Ecotourism in the Trièves


Enjoy the comfortable, peaceful atmosphere of your accommodation
and its outdoor spaces in the Trièves to recharge your batteries!

In the heart of the hamlet of Ribeyre, in Châtel-en-Trièves. A beautiful hike to the summit of Châtel or to the Bachilianne mountain pasture will be the highlight of your stay, allowing you to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the magnificent landscapes of the Trièves.

Means of transport: Cars Région AURA line T95 from Grenoble-gare routière to Mens, then hire a Citiz.
Shuttle bus available from Mens.

This activity takes place on : 3 days

Opening Hours / Rates

Opening Hours

From 01/01 to 28/06.

From 01/09 to 31/12.


Gîte de l'Esquirou: €200 for 2 nights.
Citiz rental: special "tourism" offer with no commitment and limited duration, see conditions:


38710 Châtel-en-Trièves

Latitude : 44.836579

Longitude : 5.841608